Bemidji State University’s Nursing program is an established and fully accredited nursing program with a 40-year history of providing baccalaureate-educated nurses to the region.

BSU Nursing offers two tracks to complete the baccalaureate degree — a four-year track (pre-licensure) for students just beginning their education and a one or two year track (RN-BS) for students who are licensed Registered Nurses with an associate degree or diploma.

The focus of the program is to give students broad, practical experiences along with the deep, technical education required of a nurse. The program applies a student-centered approach that mentors students throughout their educational journeys.


Comprehensive & Unique Curriculum

BSU Nursing offers an innovative curriculum with many unique areas of focus:


An emphasis on technology factors heavily into the curriculum. BSU Nursing is a leader in the use of technologies such as hand-held devices and simulation manikins. Simulation is a key element to BSU’s pre-licensure track curriculum design. Simulation education utilizes computerized manikins and multimedia applications to enhance student learning and allow students the opportunity to practice skill development in a simulated environment prior to interacting with actual patients.

With the use of handheld devices, students have the latest information in drug interactions and other patient-important data. Such access is critical to providing safe and effective care.

Rural Health

Nurses develop excellent critical-thinking skills and are effective in a variety of departments and clinical settings. Because of the variety of cases rural nurses must handle, the program educates nurses to assess and address individuals efficiently and effectively.

Family Health

Many nursing programs have nearly eliminated the study of family health. In our curriculum, family health is supported and explored as a vital critical-care component.

Cultural Awareness

With its proximity to the region’s American Indian population, BSU has a unique opportunity to develop nurses with cultural awareness. The program includes cultural-care coursework aimed at producing practitioners attuned to a variety of patients and their diverse needs.

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